Khoday Beverages

The Khoday Group, also known as the House of Khodays, is an Indian multi-service business group based in Bangalore, Karnataka engaged in Distilling, engineering, malting, bottle manufacturing

Problem – The customer had several beer distilleries throughout the plant .They wanted to monitor and maintain Temperature pH and several other parameters inside these distilleries so as to ensure the right quality of their product and also several parameters of the room in which the distilleries are kept

Solution – We provided the customer with PLC SCADA system. The real time control and monitoring of Temperature pH and other parameters were done using the combination of both PLC and SCADA .The data from different PLC were centrally displayed at the SCADA in the operator station from where every the quality of product produced was able to ensure.


Janani Water Technologies Pvt Ltd established in 2010, is a leader in offering Integrated Water Solutions for Industrial & Infrastructure market offering value added Plants, Products, Chemicals and Services.

Problem – The customer had several Water purification plants and they want to ensure the quality of water by monitoring and controlling parameters like Temperature, pH, TDS and conductivity of the water and saving the data related to the same for future references

Solution – We provided Janani with a PLC SCADA system. The data regarding these parameters are collected from several sensors to the PLC and the controlling of the same is done through PLC .The SCADA system is used to monitor the Data remotely and save the Data for future references.


Biznustek Systems established on 2014 under Ministry of Corporate Affairs BIZNUSTEK SYSTEMS PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY operates as a Non-govt company registered in Bangalore operating in water treatment sector to aid various industries in managing their waste water.

Problem – The customer wanted to ensure that the water that is being treated is of Right quality by measuring several parameters like pH, TDS, Temperature and so on. The customer wanted to control these parameters and monitor them as well as send the same to Remote locations

Solution – We provided BIZNUSTEK with a PLC SCADA system for monitoring and controlling these parameters. The data regarding these parameters are collected from several sensors to the PLC and the controlling of the same is done through PLC .The SCADA system is used to monitor the Data centrally. We provided the customer with IIoT to remotely monitor this Data.

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